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Starter Kit – IgE Skin Testing for Inhalants

25 Patient Testing Kit

This starter kit comes complete with materials for 25 patient skin tests.

Each starter kit comes with Office Staff Training to ensure your AllergyFree program is successfully executed within your practice.  Please choose between In-Person or Virtual for your Office Staff Training to proceed with your order.

For a detailed description of the Starter Kit and Training options, please see below.



This starter kit comes complete with materials for 25 patient skin tests, including:

  • 70 variations allergen extracts
  • Allergen testing trays & wells
  • Plastic applicators
  • Posters for waiting room marketing
  • Patient trifold surveys


With AllergyFree IgE Skin Testing, plastic applicators are used to apply a small amount of allergen extracts to the skin to trigger a histamine reaction for “active allergies.” Skin testing looks for protein sensitivities that patients breathe such as grass, weed and tree pollens, molds, fungi, animal dander, and “dust” that floats in the air (dust mites, cockroach, mice hair).  Based on the skin reaction, we can quickly and easily identify exactly what inhalant allergens are causing patient allergies.

Each starter kit comes with Office Staff Training to ensure your AllergyFree program is successfully executed within your practice.  You have the choice of In-Person or Virtual for your Office Staff Training.

For Virtual Office Staff Training, you will be applied a series of videos that demonstrate all of the information and processes for your staff to follow to perform patient testing.

For In-Person Office Staff Training, one of our testing specialists will visit your office on a day that is coordinated with your office manager to perform your first set of patient tests.  If you select In-Person, you will also receive the Virtual Office Staff Training videos to use for future reference or review.

Both Office Staff Training options include detailed instructions for set-up of the testing kit, performing tests with patients, how to evaluate the test results, and proper communication to patients following the tests results to determine next course of action and whether / how that might involve therapy.


Additional information

Weight 12 lbs
Dimensions 36 × 36 × 36 in
Office Staff Training

In-Person Training, Virtual Training